Dale Cannon - Laurie Miller -
Joanne Mociolek - Brenda Lallathin - llmasecretary@gmail,com Denise Jendrisak – Quentin Childers - Dustin Borlie -
Dave (Cowboy) Simons –
1. 2025 Membership Meeting Dates: April 1381, July j3th, and October 1281 at IO:00am.
2. Campers MUST be washed by July 1st, 2025 to avoid a possible fine.
3. Per the Health Department: NO PALLETS an allowed in the park and only SEASONED wood should be burned!!
4 Paris Township Zoning Board: All members are required to sign in-and out every visit or weekly. The sign in/out sheets are located on the office courier. Also, we must obey the conditional zoning rules; the park is a campground and is not to be used as a permanent
residence. All members are required to be out of the park at least 120 days each camping
5. Rental policy reminder: Reservations MUST be made in person at the oHa by the member. At least 50% down at the time the reservation is made. If canceled within 48 hrs of reservation date, 50% of rental payment will be refunded. There will be no refunds if canceled within 24 hr. or less. NO pets are allowed in the Hamlet(s).
6. You must be in the park when your guests are in the park (and be responsible for them).
7. Temporary gate codes (family reunions, birthday parties, etc.) can be requested through the office. Please include date needed and at least 1 weeks’ notice.
8. The Leisure Lake web site and Faoebook page, Leisure Lake Membership Association (THE OFFICIAL FB PAGE) are a great source of information.
9. Please remember that the DUMPSTERS are for TRASH only: furniture, building materials1 propane tanks, or oversized items ARE NOT PERMITTED!
10. PLEASE KEEP YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION UP TO DATE (ADDRESS/PHONE #/EMERGENCY CONTACT). This is for your benefit. If there is an emergency with your camper. we need to be able to contact you.
11. Bring in a copy of your pets vet records (Each Year) to the office if they camp with you.
12. If you pull a trailer or additional seating with your golf cart it MUST have working tail lights on
13. Reminder: As stated in the golf cart rules: Children are NOT permitted to drive golf carts
unless they have a VALID drivers license. Those with temporary permits MUST be accompanied by an adult with a valid drivers license.